2020 USA Seafood Landings

posted in: USA | 1

U.S. fishermen at ports in the 50 states landed 8.4 billion pounds valued at $4.7 billion in 2020, according to Fisheries of the United States, 2020. These numbers indicate decreases in landings and value compared to 2019. U.S. Seafood Landings … Continued

Maine Right Whale Proposal

posted in: Northeast | 0

In response to requirements under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR) has submitted a proposal for regulatory changes to the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in advance … Continued

NOAA Sea Grant American Lobster Research

posted in: Science-Research | 0

NOAA’s National Sea Grant Office recently announced new funding for research aimed at understanding physical and chemical changes affecting American lobster (Homarus americanus) in the Gulf of Maine as well as a regional lobster extension program. Collectively, the research projects … Continued

2017 USA Seafood Landings

posted in: USA | 0

American fishermen landed 9.9 billion pounds of fish and shellfish in 2017, according to NOAA Fisheries’ Fisheries of the United States, 2016. U.S. Seafood Landings – Volume and Value The volume of landings increased by 344 million pounds (3.6 percent) … Continued